Middle Palaeolithic -- Catalonia

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out url icon Recercat The first homo sapiens in Catalonia, hunters and gatherers from the old upper palaeolithic Soler i Masferrer, Narcís ; Soler i Subils, Joaquim
out url icon Recercat The first homo sapiens in Catalonia, hunters and gatherers from the old upper palaeolithic Soler i Masferrer, Narcís ; Soler i Subils, Joaquim
doc icon DUGiDocs 2016 The first homo sapiens in Catalonia, hunters and gatherers from the old upper palaeolithic Soler i Masferrer, Narcís ; Soler i Subils, Joaquim
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 The first homo sapiens in Catalonia, hunters and gatherers from the old upper palaeolithic
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 The first homo sapiens in Catalonia, hunters and gatherers from the old upper palaeolithic Soler i Masferrer, Narcís ; Soler i Subils, Joaquim

